quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012

My experience with slideshare

Hi everyone,
I quite often use powerpoints to introduce for example a new topic of study or to systematize grammar. Sometimes the students ask me to stop the slides, so that they can copy specific vocabulary or relevant information.
Using slideshare to publish these powerpoints and then embend them on a class blog is, in my opinion, an easy way to make them accessibe for my students. Thus, at home or in the school library they can, at any time, see the powerpoints again, check vocabulary or any other information.
Here is an example of a powerpoint I used to introduce the topic "addictions" in my 9th grade class. After, I published it on slideshare and then embended it on the class blog, being the powerpoint available for all the students.

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

Communicating, creating, connecting and collaborating

Slideshare can also help the shiest students to communicate, create, connect and collaborate.

Supporting learning styles

Slideshare supports an active learning style. Students can learn by discussing, applying or explaining to others.  Teachers are able to provide resources/materials that allow the students to share and discuss with others.
To have further information about the different learning styles, you may check Holmes and Gardner (2006) ‘E-learning concepts and practice', Sage.

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Who wants to be a Millionaire!

Slideshare is a great way to motivate our students using some interesting games like “Who wants to be a Millionaire Powerpoint”. Everyone knows this game and it can be really interesting to create one with 9th grade students. The following video is a great proof that when it comes to using technology in classes, there is no limit for creativity.
For those who are interested, the template is available from here: http://www.yearinthelifeofanenglishteacher.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Who...

domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

One of the advantages of using slideshare is to publish powerpoints done by our students in class or as homework about a certain topic of study. Slideshare is a place where the teacher can publish all the powerpoints students do. Later they can also be embended on a class blog, so that students have enough information and vocabulary on a specific topic of study. Below there is one example of a ppt done by a 9th grade student of mine.

How To Protect Environment
View more PowerPoint from daniliska

Slideshare - some disadvantages...

One of slideshare advantages can be also a disadvantage: the ability to access your files depends on having  an Internet connection. So, before asking your students to check resources or upload their own documents, you have to make sure that they can access Internet from home.
Another disadvantage is that any sound effects or animation that may have been included in your presentation will be lost after the conversion into Flash.
As teachers, one of our goals should always be to stay current and find the most relevant information on whatever topics we are teaching. Slideshare is a great tool to both find and upload information for our classes. On slideshare, any slideshow / PowerPoint or presentation can be found on a topic of your choice. One element I love about slideshare is being able to integrate the content easily in my website or class blog. Students can view the content on their own both in school or at home.

SlideShare 101
View more presentations from Amit Ranjan

sábado, 31 de março de 2012

SLIDESHARE: a top teaching tool!

 Slideshare is a site where you can host your powerpoint presentations and share them with others. 

Therefore, it is an excellent sharing tool that allows teachers and students to create and upload their presentations for class, as well as comment on them.

Teachers can use SlideShare for many purposes, including:

- Posting lesson slides so students and parents can view/review them at home
- Administrators can view and critique lessons without being in the classroom
- Upload .PDF's and documents for students to download
- Embed YouTube videos inside their presentations
- Upload great content so students can share it through Social Media channels (like Twitter and Facebook)

SlideShare holds educational values that can revolutionize your classes.